- Studies on Cyclic tests of Assembly CFST Composite Frames with BRB:EARTHOUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS,2025
- 内嵌轻质混凝土墙板部分包裹混凝土T形柱-H型钢梁装配式框架的抗震性能试验研究:建筑结构学报,2024
- Optimization study of strengthened T-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) column-steel beam joint:Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2024
- Experimental and Analytical Study on the Seismic Performance of PEC T-Shaped Columns Assembled Frames with ALC Open-Hole Wall:International Journal of Steel Structure,2024
- 内嵌复合轻集料隔墙大板的装配式混凝土框架抗震性能试验研究:工业建筑,2024
- The influence of infill ALC walls on the seismic performance of prefabricated PEC T-column frames:structures,2024
- 基于差分进化算法的智能化预制厂房设备资源配置优化:科学技术与工程,2023
- 内嵌填充墙体框架结构抗震性能分析及抗侧刚度公式:工程力学,2023
- Experimental studies on circular CFST fames with ALC walls under cyclic ladings:Steel Structures
- 带ALC墙板钢管混凝土框架结构的抗震试验研究:建筑结构学报